EASY MOVE Total Ankle Replacement
The Easy Move total ankle prosthesis with fixed insert from FH ORTHO was designed with the aim of restoring the ankle joint.

EASY MOVE Total Ankle Replacement
The Easy Move total ankle prosthesis with fixed insert from FH ORTHO was designed with the aim of restoring the ankle joint.
Anatomic design
- Fixed-bearing Total Ankle Replacement,
- Designed to restore the ankle joint and ensuring full respect of the ankle anatomy,
- Minimal bone loss with full replacement of removed bones,
- Preserving the posterior „Volkmann triangle“,
- Curved anatomical tibia cut through anterior approach,
- Intra-articular tibial jig to determinate anatomical landmarks: rotation, translation, tibial plafond varus/valgus and slope,
- Minimal X-Ray control,
- Reproducible results through precise instruments,
- Short learning curve,
- Titanium Plasma-Spray coated.
Talar implant
- Talar implant wider in its anterior part,
- Medial radius smaller than lateral,
- Conical designed.
Tibial implant
- Tibial implant wider in its anterior part,
- Curved anatomical tibia,
- Less invasive tibial design does not destroy the distal cortex with bulky anchors, such as pegs.
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Sutures FH LOOP / TAPE