CorTTape Small is an adjustable cortical fixation system for ligament or tendon reconstruction.


Implant composed of a fine fixation braid and a titanium plate.


The device is composed of:

  • Two adjustment braids allowing you to adjust the blue and white loop braided in non-absorbable polymer (UHMWPE/polyester). Blue cross pattern for greater visibility,
  • External adjustment (OUT/IN),
  • An uncoated titanium plate (length: 12 mm / width: 4 mm / thickness: 1.5 mm / Ti-6AI-4V ELI),
  • Two non-absorbable traction threads (blue and white) made of high molecular weight polyethylene (100% UHMWPE).

Product delivered in a double bag and sterilized with Ethylene Oxide.


CorTTape Small 80 or 90 is indicated for bone or soft tissue fixation in orthopedic procedures requiring ligament or tendon reconstruction.

CorTTape Small 90 and CorTTape Stick are recommended for attached ST3 ACL repair.

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